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- /*
- * PRTLOG.C - 10/11/87 - Print a log file. For C BBS V3.5
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Modifications for the AMIGA version V6.71b
- The program has a correction to make the system uptime more realistic.
- I have also added code to do a little bit more 'accounting' of each
- user. A third output page has been added which, for each user who logs
- in and for each bbs that does a reverse forward, contains the total
- connect time and number of connects, Total number of read and send
- commands and the total number of forwards (which is also reported on
- the previous page.
- This program still does not do accounting for multi-port systems
- because although it reports which port a user is on when they log in,
- the disconnect command does not report which port is logging out. This
- makes it difficult to be sure who is actually logged out.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- long tdiff();
- #endif
- /* Cosmetic C definitions */
- #define is ==
- #define isnt !=
- #define and &&
- #define or ||
- #define not !
- #define true 1
- #define false 0
- #define match !strcmp
- #define linelen 256
- FILE *lfl;
- int lall, isuser;
- short first = false;
- short wasq = true;
- short aconnect = false;
- long gate = 0;
- long logd = 0;
- long down = 0;
- long avail = 0;
- long online = 0;
- long offline = 0;
- long idle = 0;
- long connected = 0;
- long sysop = 0;
- long fwdcon = 0;
- long fwddis = 0;
- int ngate = 0;
- int nup = 0;
- int ndown = 0;
- int crash = 0;
- int links = 0;
- int nts = 0;
- int scon = 0;
- int ucon = 0;
- int lines = 0;
- static char line[linelen];
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- static char sysop_call[6];
- static char conx_call[9];
- short sysop_log = 0;
- #endif
- char *fst, *lp, typ, fn, sfn;
- struct t
- {
- char year[2];
- char month[2];
- char day[2];
- char time[4];
- } con, dis, cur, fir, gat, las, sfwd;
- int nmsg;
- int cbin[31][24];
- int fbin[31][24];
- typedef struct FWD_S
- {
- char call[9];
- int count;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- long connect;
- short conx_count;
- short reads;
- short sends;
- #endif
- struct FWD_S *next;
- } FWD;
- FWD *fwdhd = NULL;
- FWD *fp;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- FWD *fp_file;
- FWD *fp_conx;
- #endif
- #define softeof '\032'
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- register char ch, *cp;
- int i, j, t, done, infile, nfwd;
- int firstent = true;
- if (*argv[1] is '-')
- {
- infile = 2; lall = true;
- }
- else
- {
- infile = 1; lall = false;
- }
- if ((lfl = fopen(argv[infile], "r")) is NULL)
- { printf("File not found.\n"); exit(0); }
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
- { cbin[i][j] = 0; fbin[i][j] = 0; }
- while (fgets(line, linelen, lfl) isnt NULL)
- {
- lp = line;
- typ = *lp++;
- cur.year[0] = *lp++; cur.year[1] = *lp++;
- cur.month[0] = *lp++; cur.month[1] = *lp++;
- cur.day[0] = *lp++; cur.day[1] = *lp++;
- for (cp = cur.time; cp < cur.time + 4;) *cp++ = *lp++;
- fn = *lp++;
- sfn = *lp++;
- lp++;
- for (cp = lp; *cp; cp++) if ((*cp is '\r') or (*cp is '\n')) *cp = '\0';
- if (firstent)
- {
- con = cur; dis = cur; fir = cur; gat = cur; las = cur; sfwd = cur;
- firstent = false;
- }
- if (lall)
- {
- if ((typ is 'C') and (fn isnt 'L')) printf("\n");
- if (first and (typ is 'M') and (fn is 'F'))
- { first=false; printf("\n"); }
- printf(" %2.2s/%2.2s/%2.2s %4.4s ",
- cur.month,cur.day,cur.year,cur.time);
- }
- lines++;
- switch(typ)
- {
- case 'C': doconn(); break;
- case 'F': dofile(); break;
- case 'G': dogate(); break;
- case 'M': domsg(); break;
- case 'X': doexit(); break;
- default:
- /* printf("Unknown log item type %c\n", typ); */
- ;
- }
- las = cur;
- }
- fclose(lfl);
- if (lall) printf("\f");
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- printf("\n Log for %6.6s ",call);
- #else
- printf("\n Log for %6.6s ",sysop_call);
- #endif
- printf("From %2.2s/%2.2s/%2.2s %4.4s ",
- fir.month, fir.day, fir.year, fir.time);
- printf(" To %2.2s/%2.2s/%2.2s %4.4s\n",
- cur.month, cur.day, cur.year, cur.time);
- printf(" Data from file %s\n",argv[infile]);
- printf("\n Connects vs. Hour vs. Date\n\nDa");
- ucon = prtbin(cbin);
- avail = idle + connected;
- online = avail + sysop;
- logd = online + down + offline;
- idle -= fwddis;
- printf("\n%8d log items.\n", lines);
- printf("%8ld minutes in log.\n", logd);
- printf("%8ld minutes system down.\n", down);
- printf("%8ld minutes system offline.\n", offline);
- cp="minutes system online.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", online, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of log time.)\n",100.*((float)online/(float)logd));
- cp="minutes by sysop.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", sysop, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of online time.)\n",100.*((float)sysop/(float)online));
- cp="minutes forwarding.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", fwdcon + fwddis, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of online time.)\n",100.*((float)(fwdcon + fwddis)/(float)online));
- cp="minutes system available.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", avail, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of online time.)\n",100.*((float)avail/(float)online));
- cp="minutes by users.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", connected, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of available time.)\n",100.*((float)connected/(float)avail));
- cp="minutes system idle.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s", idle, cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of available time.)\n",100.*((float)idle/(float)avail));
- cp="minutes GateWay in use.";
- printf("%8ld %-30s",gate,cp);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of available time.)\n",100.*((float)gate/(float)avail));
- printf("\n%8d connects, %d were links.\n",ucon,links);
- printf("%8d times used by sysop. GateWay used %d times.\n",
- scon,ngate);
- printf("\n%8d File uploads, %d File downloads.\n", nup, ndown);
- printf("%8d probable system crashes.\n",crash);
- printf("\f\n Forwards vs. Hour vs. Date\n\nDa");
- nfwd=prtbin(fbin);
- printf("\n%8d Messages entered.\n\n", nmsg);
- printf("%8d NTS Messages (%5.1f%% of messages entered)\n\n",
- nts, 100.*((float)nts/(float)nmsg));
- printf("%8d Messages forwarded (%5.1f%% of messages entered)\n\n",
- nfwd,100.*((float)nfwd/(float)nmsg));
- for (fp = fwdhd; fp isnt NULL; fp = fp->next)
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- if(fp->count) {
- #endif
- printf("%8d To %9.9s",fp->count,fp->call);
- printf(" (%5.1f%% of messages forwarded.)\n",
- 100.*((float)fp->count/(float)nfwd));
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- printf("\f\n\n User Login Information \n\n");
- printf(" Call <- Connected -> Reads Sends Fwds\n");
- printf(" HHH:MM #### #### #### ####\n");
- for(fp = fwdhd; fp isnt NULL; fp = fp->next) {
- printf(" %9.9s ",fp->call);
- printf(" %3d:%02d ",(short)(fp->connect/60),(short)(fp->connect%60));
- printf(" %4d ",fp->conx_count);
- printf(" %4d ",fp->reads);
- printf(" %4d ",fp->sends);
- printf(" %4d\n",fp->count);
- }
- printf("\n\n\n");
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- FWD *getuser(call)
- char *call;
- {
- register FWD *fp;
- for(fp = fwdhd; fp isnt NULL; fp=fp->next) {
- /* If this is the call then return. fp will be pointing to the
- item
- */
- if(!strncmp(fp->call, call, 9))return(fp);
- }
- fp = (FWD *)malloc(sizeof(FWD));
- fp->next = fwdhd;
- fwdhd = fp;
- fp->count = 0;
- fp->conx_count = 0;
- fp->reads = 0;
- fp->sends = 0;
- fp->connect = 0L;
- strncpy(fp->call, call, 9);
- return(fp);
- }
- #endif
- prtbin(b)
- int b[31][24];
- {
- register int i, j, t, gt;
- for (j = 0; j < 24; j++) printf("%3d",j); printf(" Totl\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
- {
- t = 0;
- printf("%2d",i+1);
- for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
- {
- if (b[i][j]) printf("%3d",b[i][j]); else printf(" .");
- t += b[i][j];
- }
- printf("%5d\n",t);
- }
- gt = 0; printf(" ");
- for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
- {
- t = 0; for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) t += b[i][j];
- gt += t; printf("%3d",t);
- }
- printf("%5d\n",gt);
- return gt;
- }
- dogate()
- {
- switch(fn)
- {
- case 'E': gate += (long)tdiff(&gat,&cur); break;
- case 'S': ngate++; break;
- default: ;
- }
- gat = cur;
- if (lall) switch(fn)
- {
- case 'A': printf("Attempted connect to %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'C': printf("Connect to %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'E': printf("GateWay End\n"); break;
- case 'M': printf("Monitor Start\n"); break;
- case 'S': printf("GateWay Start\n"); break;
- case 'U': printf("Unproto Start\n"); break;
- }
- }
- dofile()
- {
- if (lall) switch(fn)
- {
- case 'D': printf("Download %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'U': printf("Upload %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'W': printf("Directory %s\n", lp); break;
- }
- switch(fn)
- {
- case 'D': ndown++; break;
- case 'U': nup++; break;
- }
- }
- dofwd()
- {
- register int i, find;
- register char *cp, *llp;
- char call[9];
- ++fbin[i2(cur.day) - 1][i2(cur.time)];
- for (llp = lp; *llp isnt ' '; llp++); llp++;
- llp += 2;
- for (cp = call; ((cp < call + 9) and (*llp isnt ' ') and (*llp isnt '\0'));)
- *(cp++) = *(llp++);
- for (;cp < call + 9;) *(cp++)=' ';
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- find = false;
- for (fp = fwdhd; ((fp isnt NULL) and !find); fp=fp->next)
- {
- find = !strncmp(fp->call, call, 9);
- if (find) ++(fp->count);
- }
- if (!find)
- {
- fp = (FWD *)malloc(sizeof(FWD));
- fp->next = fwdhd; fwdhd = fp;
- fp->count = 1; strncpy(fp->call, call, 9);
- }
- #else
- /* getuser finds call if it exists already and creates a new record if
- it doesn't. Either way, it returns a pointer to the item.
- */
- fp_file = getuser(&call[0]);
- fp_file->count++;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- */
- domsg()
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- register int etime;
- #else
- register long etime;
- #endif
- switch(fn)
- {
- case 'F':
- if (sfn is 'S') sfwd = cur;
- else if (sfn is 'E')
- {
- etime = tdiff(&sfwd, &cur);
- if (aconnect) fwdcon += (long)etime; else fwddis += (long)etime;
- }
- else if (sfn isnt 'R') dofwd();
- break;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- case 'R':
- fp_conx->reads++;
- break;
- case 'S':
- fp_conx->sends++;
- #endif
- case 'C':
- case 'M':
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- case 'S':
- #endif
- nmsg++;
- if (sfn is 'T') nts++;
- break;
- }
- if (lall) switch(fn)
- {
- case 'C': printf("Copy %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'E': printf("Edit %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'F':
- if (sfn is 'S')
- printf("Begin forwarding\n");
- else if (sfn is 'E')
- printf("End forwarding\n (Forward for %d minutes)\n", etime);
- else if (sfn is 'R')
- printf("Begin reverse forward %s\n", lp);
- else printf("Forward %s\n", lp);
- break;
- case 'K': printf("Kill %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'L': printf("List %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'M': printf("Make %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'R': printf("Read %s\n", lp); break;
- case 'S': printf("Send %s\n", lp); break;
- default: printf("%c %s\n",sfn, lp); break;
- }
- }
- doexit()
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- int etime;
- #else
- long etime;
- #endif
- char *sp;
- aconnect = false;
- first = true;
- wasq = (fn is 'Q');
- dis = cur;
- etime = tdiff(&con, &dis);
- if (isuser) connected += (long)etime; else sysop += (long)etime;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* 'Charge' this connect time to the user */
- if(isuser || sysop_log) {
- fp_conx->connect += etime;
- }
- #endif
- if (lall)
- {
- switch(fn)
- {
- case 'A': sp = "(On Line)"; break;
- case 'B': sp = "(Said Bye)"; break;
- case 'D': sp = "(Disconnect)"; break;
- case 'E': sp = "(Excluded)"; break;
- case 'F': sp = "(Forced by sysop)"; break;
- case 'Q': sp = "(Exit from program)"; break;
- case 'T': sp = "(Timed out)"; break;
- }
- printf("Exit %s\n (Connected for %d minutes.)\n", sp, etime);
- }
- }
- doconn()
- {
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- register char *p,*q;
- sysop_log = 0;
- #endif
- aconnect = true;
- con = cur;
- switch(fn)
- {
- case 'S':
- isuser = false;
- scon++;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- strncpy(call, lp, 6);
- #else
- strncpy(sysop_call, lp, 6);
- #endif
- idle += (long)tdiff(&dis, &con);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Copy the callsign with SSID and locate the user record */
- p = conx_call;
- q = lp;
- while(*q == ' ')q++;
- while((*q != ' ') && *q) *p++ = *q++;
- while(p < &conx_call[9])*p++ = ' ';
- fp_conx = getuser(conx_call);
- fp_conx->conx_count++;
- sysop_log++;
- #endif
- break;
- case 'I':
- isuser = false;
- scon++;
- if (wasq) offline += (long)tdiff(&dis, &con);
- else {
- crash++;
- dis = las;
- wasq = true;
- down += (long)tdiff(&dis, &con);
- }
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* The program does not get the number of minutes in the log correct
- unless this is done. This is because a 'C' command calculates the
- time involved from the last 'X'. But sometimes there can be two
- or more ocnsecutive 'C' without an intervening 'X', especially the
- 'C...I' indicating a reboot, followed by some arbitrary time later
- by 'C...A' indicating a connect on port 'A'. The second connect would
- compute the time from the last 'X' when in fact it should be using
- the last 'C...I'.
- */
- dis = con;
- #endif
- break;
- case 'L':
- links++;
- break;
- default:
- isuser = true;
- ++cbin[i2(cur.day)-1][i2(cur.time)];
- idle += (long)tdiff(&dis, &con);
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Copy the callsign with SSID and locate the user record */
- p = conx_call;
- q = lp;
- while(*q == ' ')q++;
- while((*q != ' ') && *q) *p++ = *q++;
- while(p < &conx_call[9])*p++ = ' ';
- fp_conx = getuser(conx_call);
- fp_conx->conx_count++;
- #endif
- break;
- }
- if (lall) switch(fn)
- {
- case 'S': printf("From local console (%s)\n", lp); break;
- case 'I': printf("System startup\n"); break;
- case 'L': printf("Linked to %s\n", lp); break;
- default: printf("Connected on port %c to %s\n",fn, lp); break;
- }
- first = false;
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- .tdiff(st,et)
- struct t *st, *et;
- {
- register int i;
- i = t4(et->time) - t4(st->time);
- if (i >= 0) return i;
- if ((st->day[0] is et->day[0]) and (st->day[1] is et->day[1])) return 0;
- return i + 1440;
- }
- #else
- /* The tdiff code will fail if a difference of more than two days is
- requested.
- */
- long tdiff(st,et)
- struct t *st,*et;
- {
- register long i,j;
- i = t4(et->time) + (long)i2(et->day)*1440L;
- j = t4(st->time) + (long)i2(st->day)*1440L;
- i -= j;
- if(i < 0)return(0L);
- return(i);
- }
- #endif
- i4(t)
- char *t;
- {
- int i, j;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < 4) and *t and (*t isnt ' '); i++, t++)
- j = (10 * j) + (*t - '0');
- return j;
- }
- t4(t)
- char *t;
- { return(60 * i2(t) + i2(t + 2)); }
- i2(t)
- char *t;
- {
- if (*t is ' ') *t = '0';
- if (*(t+1) is ' ') *(t+1) = '0';
- return(10*(*t - '0') + (*(t+1) - '0'));
- }